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  • Writer's pictureSamantha Badrock

Startling Findings: Lack of Access to Art Therapy in Mental Health Facilities Could Be Costing Lives

Recent studies have highlighted the effectiveness of using art therapy in a hospital setting, particularly for those struggling with mental health issues. Art therapy has been found to have a range of benefits, from relaxation and mental stimulation, to helping people express feelings and emotions in a more creative way.

However, despite the clear benefits of art therapy, there is evidence to suggest that in many hospitals and mental health facilities, the implementation of art therapy is often overlooked or limited in scope. In most cases, art therapy is delivered as a short-term recovery program and is often limited to just one or two sessions in a clinical and sterile environment, with limited supplies and resources.

The lack of access to art therapy in most mental health facilities is concerning, as research indicates that art therapy can be an effective and relatively inexpensive means of providing long-term benefits to those suffering from mental health issues.

Studies have shown that art therapy can help to reduce stress and anxiety, improve self-esteem and confidence, improve communication, and provide a safe outlet for expression and emotional release. Furthermore, art therapy can also be used to treat a wide range of mental health issues, including depression, anxiety, and post-traumatic stress disorder.

The benefits of art therapy are clear, yet it is not always accessible in hospitals and mental health facilities. One possible solution could be to include art therapy as part of an overall treatment plan in the hospital setting. However, this is not always feasible due to limited resources and time constraints. Another option could include providing art therapy as part of an outpatient program, which would allow for more frequent sessions and greater access to supplies and resources.

Overall, it is clear that there is a need for more art therapy in hospitals and mental health facilities. Art therapy can provide a creative and safe outlet for those struggling with mental health issues, and it is essential that this therapy is made more accessible to those who could benefit from it.

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