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Get off the Canvas - How to be creative in with limited supplies and space

This was always going to eventually come up..... We are all living our best lockdown life, and sometimes it can be tricky to constantly come up with new ideas to entertain the kids.

You have done it all, the supplies are low and cabin fever is slowly setting in as we start to go stir crazy up within our four walls.

My daughter just loves being outside and we are luck enough to have a beautiful backyard to pass the sunny days. I thought I would share some ideas on how to get outdoors, and pass the time in a productive and educational way :)

Now, please remember my daughter is like 2.5 years, so these activities are aimed at little people (but big people can enjoy them too!)

Art doesn't have to be difficult

Painting rocks

Not the ones inside your head (haha). Seriously though, this is heaps of fun and the clean up afterwards is marginal . All you need are:

  1. Rocks from the garden

  2. paint

  3. glitter

  4. gold leaf or feathers or basically anuthing that will stick with glue!

  5. Paint pot

  6. Paint brushes

I literally just get whatever I can find that looks crafty and colourful. I used our muffin baking tray because it has heaps of little wells that you can put your art supplies into and, to be honest - I can't bake so its no loss for me if I'm down a baking tray that has NEVER been used. If you don't want to use your prescious bakeware, just grab some old ice cream lids, or jars - whatever works best for you.

They great thing about this activity, is that I can really take up a whole afternoon. The kids can help pour the paint into the wells, pick out the craft items, set up the table, pick the rocks up and help clean up. Ill admit the cleaning up part was a hoot, we just hosed it all down outside and kids LOVE waterplay. We just changed our clothes when we got in.

What will they learn?

Colours! Get your little one to identify which colour they would like to use. If you have primary colour paints, this is a great opportunity to teach them about primary and secondary colours, how to mix them etc.

Tactile: For the littlest members this is all about how the pain feels in the hands, you can help identify descriptive words like 'guey' 'sticky paint, soft feathers, rough rocks, etc.

Counting: Count how many rocks you have collected

Fine motor skills: Kids learn how to manipulate small objects with their hands

Hopscotch with chalk

This is sooo much fun and super cheap to do!

It's about creating memories and bonding with your little human!

We have a great footpath outside our house and lots of garden paths. My child literally spends HOURS upon HOURS drawing with her chalk. You can get a cheap packet from your local craft store/ newsagency or hardware store. We are super hardcore, so I bought a 48 pack of sidewalk chalk. The chalk sticks are super big and last heaps longer, they're also great for little hands.

We basically drew together a hopscotch made from all different chapes and drew pretty pictures and positive messages around it. This project is full of sooooo many learning opportunities.

Colours: Get your child to identify which colour they would like to use

Shapes: Ask you child which shape they would like you to draw, or draw a new shape they haven't learned yet. My daughter is obsessed with hexagons at the moment.

Animals: If you fancy your self a bit of an artist, then draw different animals together and talk about the animal you are drawing. I like tp draw animals that hop because then Harriet will hop and jump up and down the hopscotch (Nothing like inadvertent exercise!)

Counting: We number all our tiles. it kind of turns into a little challenge to see how long we can make our hopscotch.

Outdoor exercise: This goes without saying, not only are we out drawing on the concrete, but we like to pretend we are aero planes, trains, cars, animals running up and down our foot path. we might look like a bit of a wally, but the memories and fun are priceless. AND - sometimes, its good to just let go and immerse yourself in your child's world for a bit.

I hope you have found this article helpful, if you have given some of these art ideas a go, I would love to hear from you!

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